Nance Paton-Smith: Foot Health Practitioner
The Undercroft Clinic is really pleased to congratulate Nance on passing, with Distinction, her studies as a Foot Health Professional.
Nance has been working at the Undercroft Clinic for a number of years. Nance provides essential foot care treatment for our patients needing routine treatments and assessment/checks, treatment for painful callus and corns, conservative management of ingrown toenails, thickened dystrophic nails, and specialises in the treatment of childrens' verruca using Verrutop (also used for patients with verruca who may be concerned about painful treatments). She has a wide, extensive knowledge and experience, and can advise on all aspects of foot care.
We have regular clinical meetings and discussions regarding the best treatment plans for patients, as long as they are happy for us to do this.
Please find the treatment information on the 'available treatments' page or contact the clinic for further details: 01304 820006